5 Tips for Designing the Best Bar for Your Operation

5 Tips for Designing the Best Bar for Your Operation

The first thing people usually notice about a bar is how it looks. The shine of the stainless steel and a clean bar top make a great first impression. But there is much more to a quality bar than just looks. A bar’s layout can improve workflow, help improve the customer experience and impact the operation’s bottom line.

Having a bar designed for maximum efficiency, with the bartender’s workflow in mind, does two important things: It helps keep your bartenders happy while creating a better experience for the customer. Livio Lauro, veteran bartender, drinks expert and designer of the EuroBar, understands the bar’s role in fostering the right customer experience.

“When a customer comes in, they want to be served beautiful drinks and have some time where they’re not thinking about the worries that might be on their mind,” Lauro says. “Being at a bar is a form of escapism.”

What to Consider When Designing Your Bar

From the size of the ice bin to placement of cabinets, there is a lot to consider when looking for the bar that will best serve your establishment. Here are a few things to guide you as you start researching possible bar designs.

1. Know the number of bartenders you will need.

The size of your operation will most likely determine how many bartenders you’ll need, and that will in turn dictate how many stations the bar should have. Make sure you have enough space for everyone to do their job efficiently at peak service times. You don’t want bartenders to be bumping into each other, but you also don’t want wasted space. Keep in mind the design of a bar is always a balancing act between your service aspirations and the space available. Don’t be deterred if the architect says there’s not space for everything you’re asking for. As long as you have a clear idea of how many people you need to work to provide efficient service, you might be able to meet the goals with a more condensed bar design.

2. Be aware of your budget.

It’s important to include the bar within the overall equipment budget. It is often too common for restaurant operators to spend heavily on kitchen equipment, only to find out they are left with very little to cover the cost of a bar. Rather than sacrificing quality, work the budget for the bar into the plans from the beginning. Remember the bar is your moneymaker. Customers will only purchase one entrée, but they often order multiple drinks while at the establishment.

3. Consult with your bar staff.

The people working behind the bar are the experts. They’ll be able to share with you what they want from a bar and what can help them provide the best customer experience. One of the biggest pain points for bartenders is a bar with handles or shelving protruding out into their workspace. Look for a bar design with a seamless front, that allows the bartender to walk all the way from left to right without their hips banging into something. Bartenders also like to be able to personalize the space to fit their process. Someone might like the spoon in their left hand, while others want all of the syrups together within arm’s reach. Getting a wish list from your staff can help ensure the bar you end up with is one they are comfortable working behind.

4. Think about ice!

Don’t let ice take up too much space at your bar, but don’t forget about it when making the design either. Think about how much you’ll need to get through a bar service, while considering where the nearest ice machine is. Rather than taking up a lot of space in the bar with a big ice bin, you can opt for a smaller one if the ice machine is near enough to refill the bar ice easily. Also consider an ice bin that can accommodate multiple ice types. Ice is an important ingredient in many drinks, and bartenders will want to be able to utilize everything from crushed ice to large ice cubes in their concoctions.

5. Consider the atmosphere of your establishment.

Bars are installed in a wide variety of operations, from small, intimate restaurants to large, high-end casinos. More than just how a bar looks as a customer walks in the door, the way a bar is designed can influence how drinks are created and how people congregate. Each place has its own vibe, and you’ll want to design a bar that fits with the aesthetic of your operation.

EuroBar understands the importance of getting just the right bar for your operation. Our products are modular units, which means they are customizable for each situation. We also offer three models – Classico, Sportivo, and Alto – to help provide plenty of options to ensure each client gets a bar that fits their specific needs.

Contact Us

Call our sales team to learn more about EuroBar and the benefits these bar stations can bring to your operation.